Keywords: grants, grant studies, field of knowledge about grants, grantwriting, grant resources, grant funding


The article examines the main conceptual foundations of the grant scholar and reviews the main stages of its development in Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on: Grant studies as a field of knowledge is relatively new. The history of its development began at the turn of the 90s of the twentieth century and has passed several important stages, which allows us to distinguish grant studies as a separate branch of knowledge about grants. The study emphasizes that the autonomy of grant studies can be justified by the following aspects: a) grant studies has its own methodologies, principles, and tools, such as grant writing, project proposal evaluation, grant management, and reporting; b) there are specialized training programs and courses aimed at developing competencies in grant studies; c) research in grant studies focuses on the study of various grant opportunities, the effectiveness of grant funding, and methods for evaluating project results and impact. The article defines the object and subject of grant studies, namely: The object of grant studies is the general system of grant funding: grantors and grantees, grant processes (application processes, project selection, evaluation of the effectiveness of grant use), grant documents (application forms, reports, contractual documents accompanying the process of granting and using grants); the subject of grant studies is specific aspects of the objects of grant studies: principles and methods of attracting grant funds, stages of the grant process, legal and regulatory aspects, effectiveness of grant use, The central categories of grant studies are demonstrated, and its key common and distinctive features from other fields of knowledge related to project financing (finance and investment, economics, business, marketing, fundraising, project management, social economy, etc.) Based on the results of the study, a definition of the concept of grant studies is proposed: "Grant Studies" is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge that explores the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of finding, attracting, managing and effectively using grant resources. It includes methods for analyzing available grant programs, studying the processes of preparing grant applications, project selection criteria, mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of grant programs, aspects of grant project management, peculiarities of reporting on resources received, as well as analyzing the impact of grant funding on the development of various areas of society. To summarize: today, the role of grant studies is significant, as the effective use of grant resources from national and international programs and funds helps to attract alternative financing not only for social, economic, and environmental projects, but also for the processes of rebuilding our country during the war and in the postwar period.


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How to Cite
Kobelia-Zvir, M. (2024). GRANT STUDIES AS A SECTOR OF GRANT KNOWLEDGE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 62-68.