Keywords: decentralisation, international investment, territorial communities, territorial development, infrastructure, territorial marketing, territorial branding, regional competitiveness, investment capacity, investment marketing, marketing strategy, international investment market


The article considers the organisational basis for the use of territorial marketing tools to attract international investment for the development of territorial communities in Ukraine. The article describes modern instruments of territorial marketing – territorial branding, investment marketing, Internet marketing, infrastructure development, event marketing and public communications. Attention is focused on the need to use investment marketing in the system of management of territorial communities, its stages of implementation of investment marketing as a modern vision for attracting international investment, including analysis of the investment potential of the community, identification of the target audience, developing of an investment proposal, promotion of investment opportunities, communication with investors, monitoring and evaluation of results, are proposed. The necessity of developing a marketing strategy for attracting international investment for the development of territorial communities in Ukraine is substantiated. A methodology for developing a marketing strategy based on investment marketing is proposed, which includes analysis of the territorial community’s resources, formulation of goals, development of a unique offer for investors, identification of the target audience, creation of a community brand, selection of tools for implementing the strategy, use of innovative approaches, monitoring and evaluation of results. Practical cases of successful application of territorial marketing tools by communities of Lviv, Kherson, Vinnytsia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zakarpattia and Volyn regions of Ukraine to improve the economic situation, modernise infrastructure, introduce modern technologies, and improve the quality of human capital are studied. The author points out the need to modernise territorial marketing tools in order to increase the investment attractiveness of territorial communities, in particular, to modernise the branding of territories, develop digital tools, improve the regulatory environment of territorial communities, improve the skills of the management system of territorial communities, and introduce innovative formats for attracting international investment and environmental standards.


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How to Cite
Bezpartochnyi, M., Bezpartochna, O., & Lomonosov, D. (2024). MARKETING OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES: TOOLS FOR ATTRACTING INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 386-393.