Keywords: Smart-tourism, ecosystem, Smart-destination, sustainable development, innovative technologies, tourism resource management, environmental responsibility


The article analyses the essence of the concept of Smart tourism as a logical category in the age of modern technologies. Based on the analysed definitions of different authors, it is determined that the main principles of Smart tourism are aimed at improving and personalising the tourist experience, facilitating interaction and integration of all stakeholders, increasing the sustainability and efficiency of resource management, and ensuring competitiveness. The article explores the concept of Smart tourism as an innovative ecosystem that combines Smart technologies, Smart destinations and Smart business networks to achieve sustainable development of territories. Different approaches to defining the essence of Smart tourism are analysed and the importance of Smart technologies (Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, Big Data) in improving the efficiency of tourism resource management and creating a high-quality tourist experience is determined. The article analyses the impact of Smart tourism on the economic, environmental and social aspects of territorial development, in particular, its role in preserving cultural heritage, supporting local economies and reducing the negative impact on the environment. The author establishes that the main goals and objectives of smart destinations are accessibility, digitalisation, sustainable development, cultural heritage and creativity. The article also develops recommendations for the implementation of smart tourism solutions and sustainable development strategies for local authorities. The article emphasises the importance of innovative approaches, cooperation between all ecosystem participants and the use of smart technologies to increase the sustainability and competitiveness of tourist destinations. It is concluded that smart tourism has the potential to become a key element in the development of sustainable, responsible and inclusive tourism at the global and local levels. The development of the smart tourism ecosystem should involve active cooperation and coordination of its participants, which requires a common vision of sustainable tourism development, exchange of knowledge, experience and best practices.


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Ulrike Getzel, Marianna Sigala, Zheng Xiang, Chulmo Koo. (2015) Smart tourism: foundations and developments. Electron Markets. no. 25 (3). Available at:

Bhuiyan K. H., Jahan I., Zayed N. M., Islam K. M. A., Suyaiya S., Tkachenko О., Nitsenko V. (2022) Smart Tourism Ecosystem: A New Dimension toward Sustainable Value Co-Creation. Sustainability. no. 14. Available at:

Shiwei Shen et Marios Sotiriadis (2022) Le cadre de management du tourisme intelligent. Open Edition for Journals. no. 51. Available at:

Sorokina, W. Y., Fyall, A., Lugosi, P., Torres, E., & Jung, T. (2022) Constructing a Smart destination framework: A destination marketing organization perspective. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. no. 23. Available at:

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Jin Liu, C. Michael Hall, Chris Zhu, Vincent Ting Pong Cheng (2023) Redefining the concept of Smart tourism in tourism and hospitality, Anatolia: Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. no. 24. pp. 1–13. Available at:

Hunter, W. C., Chung, N., Gretzel, U., & Koo, C. (2015) Constructivist research in Smart tourism. Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems. no. 25(1). Р. 105–120. Available at:

Lee, Y. K., Chang, C. T., Lin, Y., & Cheng, Z. H. (2017) The dark side of Smartphone usage: Psychological traits, compulsive behavior and technostress. Computers in Human Behavior. no. 31, pp. 373–383. DOI: 2013.10.047

Jin, W. D. (2012) Smart tourism and construction of tourism public service system. Tourism Tribune. no. 27(2). pp. 5–6.

Gretzel Ulrike, Scarpino-Johns Michelle (2018) Destination Resilience and Smart Tourism Destinations. Tourism Review International. vol. 22, no. 3-4, pp. 263–276. DOI:

Júnior A., d S., Filhob L. M., Garcíac F. A., Simõesd J. M. (2017) Smart Tourism Destinations: un estudio basado en lavisión de los stakeholders. Revista Turismo em Análise. vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 358–379. Available at: file:///C:/Users/newas/Downloads/Smart_Tourism_Destinations_un_estudio_ba.pdf

Leading Examples of Smart Tourism Practices in Europe From the 2023 European Capital of Smart Tourism competition (2023). European Capital and Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism. European Commission. 72 p. Available at:

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European Union. Smart Tourism Capital. 2019. Available at:

Smart City Ukraine: shcho tse ta yak tse pratsiuie v ukraïnskykh realiiakh [Smart City Ukraine: what it is and how it works in Ukrainian realities]. Visit Ukraine. (2023) Available at: (in Ukrainian)

Grtzel U., Reino S., Korrea S., Koo C. (2015) Smart Tourism Challenges. Journal of Tourism. vol. 16. no. 1. pp. 41–47.

Dimitrios Buhalis, Rosanna Leung (2018) Smart hospitality—Interconnectivity and interoperability towards an ecosystem. Mizhnarodnyi zhurnal hotelnoho menedzhmentu. vol. 71. pp. 41–50. Available at:

Xiang, Z.; Wang, D.; O’Leary, J.; Fesenmaier, D. (2015) Adapting to the Internet. J. Travel Res. no. 54. pp. 511–527.

Perles Ribes, J. F., Ivars Baidal, J. (2018) Smart sustainability: a new perspective in the sustainable tourism debate. Investigaciones Regionales – Journal of Regional Research. no. 42. pp. 151–170.

Shen, S.; Sotiriadis, M.; and Zhou, Q. (2020) Could Smart tourists be sustainable and responsible as well? The contribution of social networking sites to improving their sustainable and responsible behavior. Sustainability. no. 12(4). DOI:

Kim, H.; Law, R. Smartphones in Tourism and Hospitality Marketing (2015) A Literature Review. J. Travel Tour. Mark. no. 32. pp. 692–711.

Kryzhanivs’kyi E., Horal L., Perevozova I., Shiyko V., Mykytiuk N., Berlous M. (2020) Fuzzy cluster analysis of indicators for assessing the potential of recreational forest use. CEUR Workshop Proc. no. 2713. pp. 125–144

Zhen F., Zhang J. H. (2016) How Smart is your tourist attraction? Measuring tourist preferences of Smart tourism attractions via a FCEM-AHP and IPA approach. Tourism Management. no. 54. pp. 309–320.

Wang Y., Li H., Li C., Zhang D. (2016) Factors affecting hotels’ adoption of mobile reservation systems: A technology-organization-environment framework. Tour. Manag. no. 53. pp. 163–172.

Sotiriadis, M. (2017) Sharing tourism experiences in social media: A literature review and a set of suggested business strategies. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. no. 29. pp. 179–225.

Femenia-Serra F., Perles-Ribes J., Ivars-Baidal J. (2019) Smart destinations and tech-savvy millennial tourists: Hype versus reality. Tourism Review. no. 74. pp. 63–81.

Shi H. (2015) Review and research on evaluation mechanism of intelligent tourism construction. Henan Agriculture. no. 16. pp. 54–56.

Louis-François Pau (2017) Smart business networks: the evolution. Réalités industrielles Août. Рp. 109–112. Available at:

Gajdosik T. (2019) Smart tourists as a profiling market segment: Implications for DMOs. Tourism Economics. no. 22(4). pp. 793–808. DOI:

Buhalis D., Foerste M. (2015) SoCoMo marketing for travel and tourism: empowering co-creation of value. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management. no. 4. pp. 151–161.

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