Keywords: investment, crowdfunding, development, business, innovation


Marketing is an integral part of successful entrepreneurship. Using effective marketing strategies, companies can meet the needs of their customers, achieve a competitive advantage, and realize their business goals. Marketing is an ongoing process that requires constant adaptation and improvement. Companies that want to remain successful must constantly monitor market changes, consumer behavior, and competitors' actions, as well as use new technologies and innovative approaches to reach their target audiences. Marketing approaches in business thinking can create a new reality where a business entity begins to acquire the characteristics of a venture capital enterprise and, at the same time, increase the riskiness of its activities, promote innovation, attract investment, and increase the profitability of activities even on the basis of a traditional e-commerce business. The introduction of a private initiative to attract intellectual capital may result in the emergence of a mechanism for ousting competitors and attracting new supporters through the formation of an integrated network of interacting entities that practically reproduces the processes of globalization, broadcasting them in the economy. Such a company acquires the features of a venture capital business, which becomes a key criterion for its success, in particular the following features: innovation (investment in new technologies, products or services that have not yet been tested in the market), development and implementation of innovative solutions in the context of high-risk modern challenges, a high probability of potential returns due to participation in high-risk projects with potentially high returns, financing by venture capitalists or venture funds, flexibility and mobility, and the ability to quickly adapt to changing conditions. Such a business turns into a startup platform when outgrowing traditional businesses; they form the prerequisites for the early stages of the development of entrepreneurial structures and experiment with new business models. The changes are gradually covering all areas of the company's activities: financial through the introduction of new payment systems and non-pecuniary (from the offline environment, the company operates in the online space, avoiding cyber threats, using artificial intelligence, environmental technologies, etc.).


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Shvets, T., Plotnikova, M., Berestovsky, V., & Remez, V. (2024). PERSPECTIVE DIRECTIONS OF ORGANIZATION AND PLANNING VENTURE BUSINESS CAPITAL OF MODERN CHALLENGES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 474-480.