Keywords: subsidization, housing and communal services, housing subsidies, terms of appointment, right to receive, social assistance, support mechanisms


The article studies the theoretical and methodological aspects of subsidizing housing and communal services to the population. In the conditions of martial law, when the economic and industrial infrastructure is destroyed, and business is closed, a serious problem is the increase in tariffs for the payment of housing and communal services against the background of a decrease in the incomes of the population or their complete loss, which leads to the inability of a large part of the population to pay for services at the new tariffs. In order to solve this problem, Ukraine uses such a tool of state regulation as subsidies, but, taking into account the significantly growing number of socially vulnerable population groups, such as the unemployed and internally displaced persons who have lost their sources of income, this becomes a significant burden and an additional burden on the budget and social infrastructure host communities and the state as a whole. But today's realities show that the system of subsidies in the field of housing and communal services is inefficient, unfair, costly, insufficiently targeted and inconsistent. Under such conditions, a theoretical and methodological approach to researching the mechanisms of subsidizing housing and communal services to the population is proposed, within which the goals of subsidization are determined, its features are systematized, subsidies are classified according to criteria, information about the circle of persons entitled to housing subsidies is summarized, the conditions and procedure are highlighted its purpose. It was established that in order to improve the process of providing housing subsidies and ensure social justice, it is necessary to use information and communication technologies to monitor and analyze the effectiveness of providing subsidies. It is also important to conduct targeted work with service providers to improve the quality of their work. In addition, there is a need for proper interaction between the providers of housing and communal services and their consumers – the recipients of subsidies, in particular in terms of providing information about the services consumed, the amounts charged, as well as the amount of debt or overpayments.


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