Keywords: cybercrime, digital forensics, portrait of a cybercriminal, financial system, financial cybercrimes


The article is devoted to current issues of digital forensics in the financial sphere, considering the experience of the European Union. The authors summarized the results of scientific research on the portrait of a cybercriminal, classified their types, and provided a comparative description of the motives and features of crimes committed offline and online. The motives of cybercriminals, which distinguish them from traditional criminals, are curiosity and challenge. In addition, a significant factor in the commission of crimes in cyberspace is anonymity, which reduces the risk of being exposed and increases the determination of cybercriminals. Depending on the motivation for hacking computer systems, white hat, grey hat and black hat hackers are distinguished. In addition to these main types, there are many other varieties: red hat, blue hat hackers, script kiddies, hacktivists and others. The article examines the dynamics of cyber incidents occurring in the financial sphere and reveals a significant increase in them for the period of 2021-2024. The authors specified the content of the main stages of digital forensics in terms of the following components: preparatory stage; identification of cyber threats; incident response; collection and preservation of digital evidence; investigation and analysis of digital evidence; cyber incident reporting; recovery from a cyber incident. The article identifies the main difficulties in the investigation of cyber incidents in the field of financial services. These include: integrated management system of financial institutions; encryption and secure communication channels that are inaccessible to forensic investigators; difficulties in tracking the source of illegal actions; regulatory and jurisdictional barriers; a significant amount of financial transactions; problems with cloud computing and virtualized environments; internal threats (breach of confidentiality by employees or contractors); limited resources and experience; the rapidly evolving threat landscape (constant adaptation and new methods of cybercrime in the financial sector). To overcome obstacles in digital forensics in the financial sector, a combination of advanced forensic tools, specialized expertise and close cooperation between financial institutions, law enforcement and regulatory authorities is proposed.


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Benjamine B. C., Subramaniam S. (2019) Enhancing the Financial Sector’s Cyber Security in the Digital Economy. Financial Stability Review, pp. 44–46. Available at:

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How to Cite
Bozhenko, V., Pakhnenko, O., Koybichuk, V., & Yarovenko, G. (2024). FINANCIAL CYBERCRIME INVESTIGATIONS AND DIGITAL FORENSICS IN EU FINANCIAL SYSTEM. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 393-399.