Keywords: creative technologies, innovative solutions, management system, competitiveness


The article is devoted to the study of the role and significance of creative technologies in the modern management system, which acquires particular relevance in the conditions of a dynamic and competitive market environment. The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of creative approaches on improving management efficiency and competitiveness of organizations, as well as developing recommendations for their implementation to strengthen adaptability and innovative potential. In particular, such modern creative technologies as design thinking, which allows generating innovative solutions based on a deep understanding of customer needs, and agile methodologies, which contribute to the flexibility and speed of management decision-making, are considered. The effectiveness of using virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) for staff training and development, as well as gamification for increasing employee motivation and engagement, was investigated. The possibilities of artificial intelligence and big data analytics for improving decision-making processes and optimizing business processes have been studied. The scientific result of the study is the justification of the need to integrate creative technologies into the management system to ensure the innovative development of organizations. It is shown that the use of such technologies allows companies to adapt to changes faster, improve communication and cooperation within the team, stimulate creative thinking and form new approaches to strategic management. The practical significance of the study lies in the development of a set of recommendations for leaders and managers aimed at creating a corporate culture that supports innovation, the development of leadership qualities, and the use of modern collaboration tools and technologies to increase productivity. The article concludes that the introduction of creative technologies helps to increase the flexibility of organizations, accelerate adaptation to market changes, and create competitive advantages. It is emphasized that innovative management methods based on the use of creative technologies are key to ensuring long-term success and sustainable development of companies in the constantly changing business environment. This study has important implications for practitioners and scholars studying current trends in management and innovation.


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How to Cite
Bondar, A. (2024). CREATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE MODERN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 316-322.