Keywords: organizational structure, anti-crisis strategies, enterprise stability, synergy, crisis management, competitive advantages, adaptation to changes, strategic management, corporate culture, long-term sustainability


The article considers the current problem of ensuring the stability of an enterprise in conditions of economic instability through the synergy of the organizational structure and anti-crisis strategies. The research aims to learn about different approaches to the integration of organizational structures with strategic management, which contribute to increasing the adaptability of an enterprise to external challenges. The main elements of synergy are considered to be, in particular, the mechanisms of implementing anti-crisis measures within the existing organizational structure, which allow for increasing the stability of an enterprise in conditions of market instability. The article draws attention to the fact that effective cooperation of the organizational structure with anti-crisis strategies significantly improves the ability of an enterprise to adapt to changes in the external environment. Based on the data obtained, recommendations are formulated for improving management decisions aimed at increasing the adaptive potential of an enterprise. In particular, the possibilities of optimizing internal processes in order to react faster to changes and minimize risks related to crisis phenomena were analyzed in detail, which ensures the stability and competitiveness of the enterprise. The possibilities of optimizing internal processes in order to react faster to changes in the external environment are considered. Particular attention was paid to the role of leadership in implementing strategic changes. The effectiveness of using the company's resources in crisis conditions was assessed. The role of leadership in implementing strategic changes is considered separately. Leadership in crisis times plays an important role in ensuring the effectiveness of implementing anti-crisis measures, as well as in strengthening the corporate culture, which contributes to increasing the level of trust and cohesion of the team. The article shows that the effective use of the company's resources in crisis conditions is a key factor in ensuring its long-term stability. The conclusions from the work indicate the need to improve the organizational structure of the company in order to ensure its greater integration with anti-crisis strategies, which will allow the company to effectively face external challenges and strengthen its competitive position on the market. Therefore, the presented article contains practical recommendations that may be useful both for business managers and researchers in the field of strategic management and organizational development in conditions of economic instability.


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How to Cite
Druhova, O., Rudenko, V., Xinpeng, C., & Yan, H. (2024). SYNERGY OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND ANTI-CRISIS STRATEGIES IN ENSURING ENTERPRISE STABILITY. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 187-194.