Keywords: intelligent information system, data, volume, analysis, technologies


The article examines the issue of the concept and essence of an intellectual information system. It is emphasized that an intelligent information system is one of the forms of automated information systems, sometimes it is called a knowledge-based system. IIS consists of a complex of software, linguistic and logical-mathematical tools with the aim of providing support for human activity and searching for information in the form of an extended dialogue in natural language. Intelligent information systems can be embedded in any website where the user can ask the system questions in natural language or get information by answering the questions of the system (if it is an expert system). However, it is common for expert systems to act as banner ads on websites, while serious systems (such as hardware diagnostic systems) are used locally to solve specific tasks. One of the key characteristics of an intelligent information system is its ability to self-learn and self-adapt. This means the system can adjust to new conditions, acquire additional knowledge, and improve its functions over time. Such flexibility allows the system to effectively operate in a dynamic environment where information processing requirements are constantly changing. Another important characteristic is the ability to analyze large volumes of data and derive meaningful insights from them. The intelligent information system can utilize various machine learning methods and artificial intelligence algorithms to identify patterns and trends in large datasets, enabling more informed decision-making. As a conclusion, it is said that the application of intelligent information systems is widespread in various fields, including business, medicine, finance, science and many others. For example, in business, IIS can be used to forecast demand for goods, identify ways to optimize production, and manage the supply chain. In medicine, they can help diagnose diseases, develop individualized treatment plans, and study medical research. In general, intelligent information systems play a key role in today's world, helping organizations and individuals to effectively use available data to achieve their goals and solve complex tasks. They are an integral part of the digital age in which we live and play a key role in the further development of technology and society.


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How to Cite
Rudenko, Y., Shapran, O., & Makhno, Y. (2024). CONCEPT AND ESSENCE OF INTELLIGENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 69-72.