Keywords: cloud computing, technologies, agricultural enterprises, innovations


The article is devoted to the study of the features of the use of cloud computing and their importance for agricultural enterprises. It is emphasized that the rapid development of communication technologies, their penetration into all spheres of economy and social life, increases the need for their involvement in the logistics and management chains of modern enterprises, including the agricultural sector. In the current conditions of rapid development of information technologies, agricultural enterprises are faced with the need to increase production efficiency and optimize management processes. Cloud computing offers a wide range of tools and services that can make agribusiness management much easier and improve its outcomes. The article discusses the main benefits of cloud computing for the agricultural sector, including collecting and analyzing data from various sources, optimizing resource use, predicting yields, improving logistics and supply chains, and collaborating and sharing data. The most popular cloud computing is considered. Possible challenges that agricultural enterprises may face during the implementation of cloud technologies and ways to overcome them are also discussed. The article emphasizes that cloud computing allows agricultural enterprises to work from anywhere and at any time, reducing IT infrastructure costs and increasing mobility and decision-making efficiency. It is indicated that cloud computing allows to automate the accounting of financial transactions, which helps agricultural enterprises to improve financial planning and reduce the costs of financial transactions. It is emphasized that cloud computing allows you to easily increase or decrease computing resources according to the needs of the enterprise, which is especially important during seasonal periods. It is substantiated that the combination of several services in one system simplifies information management. The largest providers in the global cloud technology market in 2023 are presented. The introduction of cloud technologies contributes to increasing the efficiency, competitiveness and sustainability of agricultural enterprises in the modern market.


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How to Cite
BurdіakM. (2024). FEATURES OF THE USE OF CLOUD COMPUTING AND THEIR IMPORTANCE FOR AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 42-47. https://doi.org/10.32782/2308-1988/2024-50-7