Keywords: tax revenues, personal income taxation, personal income tax, single tax, financial capacity of territorial communities, local budgets, local budget revenues


The article concerns the most relevant issues of identifying the role of personal income taxation in the formation of the financial base of local territorial communities in Ukraine, including during the war. First of all, the authors investigated the share of revenues from personal income taxation in the local budget revenues in Ukraine. It confirmed the leading role of personal income taxation in ensuring local development and the functions assigned to local authorities. This role has been sustained even during the war. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the dynamics and structure of local budget revenues from personal income taxation in terms of its components for the period 2018-2023. The article shows the clear prevalence of personal income tax in local budget revenues compared to single tax paid by individuals. This proportion is actually stable during the period analyzed. The authors examined the correlation between the growth rates of local budget revenues as well as budget expenditures and the growth rates of local budgets revenues from personal income taxation. As a result, the authors found a weak impact of the mentioned tax revenues growth on both the growth of local budgets revenues and expenditures. This weakens the incentives for local authorities to seek additional opportunities to increase budget revenues from personal income taxes, both personal income tax and the single tax. The paper analyzes the share of local budget expenditures financed by personal income taxation. The study shows that over the past two years, at least 50% of local budgets expenditures in Ukraine were covered by these revenues. Thus, this source provides the basis for the financial capacity of territorial communities, and its role tends to increase. The authors developed proposals for strengthening the financial capacity of territorial communities by improving the efficiency of personal income taxation. In particular, local authorities should make efforts to legalize individual incomes and register entrepreneurial activity, as well as to ensure transparency and accountability of local authorities to citizens.


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How to Cite
Hladchenko, L., & Slavkova, A. (2024). TAXATION OF PERSONAL INCOME IN ENSURING THE FINANCIAL CAPACITY OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 27-36.