Keywords: project management, hybrid models, sustainable development, digital economy, twin transition


The article deals with project management features related to implementing sustainable development ideas and the digital economy concept. It was determined that the priority direction of development today is implementing the concept of a double transition, combining green and digital technologies into the activities of economic entities. It is not just important, but crucial, to not only implement digital technologies in activities but also to continuously update those that were created earlier. This proactive approach will enable us to harness additional synergy from their interaction. As project management becomes an increasingly prevalent phenomenon in all sectors of the economy, it is imperative to universalize the project management models that have traditionally been used in IT and infrastructure projects. Features of approaches to project management that arise under the influence of digitalization and sustainable development are highlighted in the article. In particular, to ensure sustainability in project management, it is necessary to consider socio-economic effects and the possibilities of environmental protection measures. In the conditions of the digital economy, project management has become virtual, transnational, and digitally oriented. The literature review shows that today, however, no such approaches to project management would allow for the tendencies of the double transition to be considered in general. The peculiarities of combining the waterfall and flexible PM models into hybrid models to ensure greater efficiency and flexibility in responding to the demands of the external environment, both in general and in combination with sustainable management and digitalization principles, have been analyzed. Monitoring and control are needed constantly to maintain the mission of ensuring sustainability and achieving the goals of digital business processes. We propose that in the hybrid model, the PM team has to consider this as part of the implementation of the object, which is indicated not only at the stage of planning and quality control but at each Agile sprint during the current analysis of compliance with customer needs and expectations.


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How to Cite
Martyniak, I., & Bakushevych, I. (2024). HYBRID PROJECT MANAGEMENT MODELS IN THE CONDITIONS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND DIGITAL ECONOMY. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 21-26. https://doi.org/10.32782/2308-1988/2024-50-4