The relevance of the work on the impact of social media marketing in organizations is determined and substantiated. Thus, in the digital era, having an active presence on social media platforms is crucial for establishing trust, increasing brand awareness, increasing customers and forming partnerships. This research paper defines the purpose and features of forming an SMM strategy for promoting the products of construction organizations. The essence and advantages of SMM (humanization of activities, traffic, attracting potential customers, increasing the organization's awareness, forming and developing customer relationships) are indicated in the paper. The study of SMM development has revealed that 81% of marketers consider content to be a key component of business strategy, despite the shortcomings that directly affect the formation of an SMM strategy for promoting the products of construction organizations. Additionally, the paper statistically analyzes the development of SMM, which makes it possible to determine the priority tools of marketers. The paper identifies the main common features of successful SMM strategies for construction organizations (user knowledge, brand identity, content strategy, analytics, regular activities, and an inbound approach) and substantiates that when forming an SMM strategy, the management of a construction organization should take into account that social networks do not always have sufficient functionality to ensure the interests of all participants in the construction industry. The article considers five stages of development of the SMM strategy of a construction organization (immersion, competitors, audience, content, promotion), which is formed in stages and at each stage there is a consistency of the results obtained and the implementation of which allows at each stage to measure the degree of achievement of the goal and costs. The paper substantiates that the SMM strategy has become part of the business culture and helps each member of the construction organization to understand the goals and desires of projects and work and contribute to its development.
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