The article is devoted to topical issues of credit risk management in a full-scale war. The article identifies the main theoretical and methodological aspects of improving credit risk management in the bank. The basic factors are considered both at the level of a particular borrower and at the level of a certain loan portfolio. The basic principles of the process of credit risk management are disclosed, as well as the main approaches to the management of credit risk in conditions of war are allocated, in particular, when managing credit risk, the bank should carry out an in-depth analysis of the creditworthiness of borrowers and revaluation of collateral on loans; Change credit risk limits to attract additional guarantees, security for loans granted; increase the volume of economic capital to cover credit risk through the formation of additional reserves. The essence and classification of credit risks, the system of bank risk management, the principles and methods of assessing credit risks, instruments for reducing their magnitude in ordinary and crisis conditions have been studied and aspects of credit risk management that require improvement have been identified. It is determined that the theoretical and methodological aspects of improving credit risk management in a bank should include: the development of a phased process of managing the loan portfolio of an individual bank for targeted control of credit risk, which would include the selection of criteria for assessing credit risk; introduction of its own modern methodology for assessing credit risk; introduction of an improved automated methodology for dividing loans into problematic and doubtful; assessment of sufficiency and reliability of information on the state of solvency of the borrower; timely adoption of a financial decision not to provide problem loans; optimization of the amount of bank credit at the current date for a particular bank in order to maintain the permissible level of financial and credit security of the bank and the formation of a stable legal framework for ensuring the rights of the lender. It is determined that the problems of developing an effective strategy for managing credit risks should be given considerable attention both at the state level and at the level of each individual bank. In order to implement the credit risk management strategy, a set of tools was proposed to overcome the crisis in the bank. Effective implementation of these measures will enable the bank to maintain financial stability during the crisis period.
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