• Володимир Іванишин Подільський державний аграрно-технічний університет
  • Alla Pecheniuk Подільський державний аграрно-технічний університет
Keywords: survey, social entrepreneurship, villagers, entrepreneurs, public opinion


Purpose. To study public opinion on the social and economic status of rural communities, to identify the needs and prospects for the development of social entrepreneurship, and the degree of entrepreneurs' readiness for a new type of activity. Methodology of research. The research used general scientific and specific scientific methods: analysis – to identify the opinions of individual sociological groups; synthesis – to summarize the results obtained; induction – in the study of the views of individual subjects and the study of its impact on the overall result; deduction – to study the general state of the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship and to establish its connection with certain sociological units; abstract and logical – to identify problems and reasons that hinder the development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine; empirical – when collecting primary information about the phenomenon of the study. The survey was conducted by the authors as part of the implementation of the state theme: "Formation of the strategy and priorities of innovative development of the agrarian sector in the conditions of globalization". Random samples were used, the general population is formed on the basis of statistics on the number of rural population and business entities as of January 01, 2018. Findings. A survey was conducted among residents of rural Ukraine and entrepreneurs doing business in rural communities on the development of social entrepreneurship. The needs of citizens for the development of social entrepreneurship are investigated. The promising directions of the spread of social entrepreneurship are disclosed. Potential consumer loyalty to the product that social entrepreneurs will offer has been established. The sufficiency of information support of social entrepreneurship and the willingness of entrepreneurs to social activities was investigated. Originality. The study found for the first time that entrepreneurs working in rural communities were not ready for social entrepreneurship and indicated that they lacked sufficient information on this issue, which determined the need for proper information support for these activities. Rural residents positively perceive the idea of developing social entrepreneurship within their own locality and are ready to give preference to consumption to a social entrepreneur, which makes it possible to distinguish this form of activity as promising for the development of rural territories. Reasons that hinder the spread of social ideas in business are identified. Practical value. The detected moods among citizens can be used by state authorities in developing a strategy for the development of rural areas of Ukraine and tested in entrepreneurial activity.


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How to Cite
Іванишин, В., & Pecheniuk, A. (2019). EMPIRICAL STUDIES OF PUBLIC OPINION ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP (BASED ON THE SURVEY OF UKRAINIAN RURAL AREAS RESIDENTS AND ENTREPRENEURS). Sustainable Development of Economy, (4 (45), 105-111. Retrieved from https://economdevelopment.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/95