Keywords: sales, sales policy, sales organization, sales system


This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the company's sales policy, which is considered a key element in ensuring sustainable development and market competitiveness. The authors examine in detail the components of an effective sales strategy, including the selection of optimal distribution channels, logistics methods, distribution, and direct customer relations practices. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of developing flexible sales strategies that allow you to adapt to changes in the market and meet the growing demands of consumers. Considering the theoretical aspect, the authors analyze scientific works describing various approaches to the sale and distribution of goods, highlighting the ideas of prominent economists and marketers. This makes it possible to compare traditional and modern views on sales policy, as well as to identify effective methods of sales promotion, including the use of marketing tools such as advertising, PR, merchandising, and others. In the practical part of the article, the authors provide specific examples of successful sales campaigns, demonstrating how theoretical concepts can be effectively implemented in business practice. They analyze cases that illustrate the use of innovative technologies in sales activities, including digital marketing and e-commerce, which is of particular relevance in the modern world. An important part of the analysis is the assessment of the impact of sales policy on the overall strategy of the enterprise. The authors highlight how a well-chosen sales strategy helps to strengthen the brand, increase customer loyalty, and create long-term relationships with customers. The article also discusses the relationship between sales policy and corporate culture, emphasizing the importance of internal synergy and team cohesion in achieving high sales results. In conclusion, the authors emphasize that sales policy is an integral part of the strategic management of an enterprise. They call for continuous analysis of the market situation, improvement of sales processes and an innovative approach to the development of sales channels, which should ultimately contribute to sales growth, cost optimization and increase the competitiveness of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Shved, V., Omelchenko, O., & Drobakha, S. (2024). SALES POLICY OF THE ENTERPRISE AND ITS ELEMENTS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(49), 76-82.