Keywords: competence, competencies, educational competence, soft skills, hard skills, organization management, organization development, management structure


The article emphasizes the need to introduce new approaches to the creation of organizations with a focus on the formation and development of organizational-level competencies to ensure successful market activity. The author's position on the procedure for creating a competent organization is substantiated, based on the results of a theoretical study of approaches to designing organizations, analysis of their advantages and disadvantages, and identification of opportunities for using them to create organizations that are competent in the context of intensive European integration processes. The necessity of taking into account the influence of external and internal environment factors on the choice of the organizational management structure and directions of its transformation in the context of increasing the level of their competence is substantiated. The main stages of the procedure for creating a competent organization are determined, which can have two scenarios depending on the main goal: creating a completely "new" organization to implement a new business idea or improving the existing one if necessary to master a new type of activity (new market segment) or improving the main performance indicators in case of their steady downward trend. The author proves the need to implement the organizational stage of creating a competent organization, which is the main difference between the proposed approach and the traditional ones. Thus, the formation or renewal of the organization's personnel, which is one of the most important tasks in the context of ensuring the competence of the organization, should focus on the selection of candidates for positions with high-quality educational training. Possession of soft and hard competences (soft skills and hard skills) by higher education students, appropriate to the current stage of development of the economy and society, creates the necessary basis for the formation of organizational level competences. Identification of the current stage of the organizational life cycle, priority management tasks and organizational competencies required to solve them within the organizational stage will allow to form a rational structure of the organization's competence, identify its components that need to be developed or obtained in the context of ensuring competitive advantages in the modern market.


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How to Cite
Gruzina, I. (2024). METHODICAL APPROACH TO CREATING A COMPETENT ORGANIZATION. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(49), 36-41.