Purpose. The aim of the article is the development of theoretical and methodological provisions regarding the interpretation of “enterprise competitiveness”. Methodology of research. In the course of the research, the methods of analysis and synthesis are used, in particular, to summarize scientific approaches to understanding the essence of the concepts of «competition», «competitiveness» and methods of assessing the competitiveness of enterprises. All methods combine a systematic approach to the study of economic phenomena and processes. Findings. Based on the analysis, it was found that competitiveness as a category is: multidimensional and ambiguous; relative (market-specific) decreases with time, if not improved; closely related to product quality and market needs; product competitiveness and product competitiveness are correlated as part and whole; is the result of competitive advantage; reflects the ability of the company to adapt to the changing environment of the external and internal environment; acts as one of the basic conditions for the effective functioning of the enterprise. Originality. The existing classification of competitive advantages has been improved with the following features: consumer, which includes both consumer solvency and level of satisfaction with products; supply, which includes the provision of spare parts, fertilizers, seed, breeding stock, etc.; territorial, characterized by the remoteness of the enterprise from the market; regional; specialized; market; managerial; resource and product benefits. Such classification is justified in terms of the systematic approach, since the agricultural enterprise belongs to complex social and economic systems. Practical value. The proposed theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “enterprise competitiveness” can be used in the development of measures to improve the competitiveness of business entities in both domestic and foreign markets. Also, methodological approaches to assessing the competitive advantages of goods can be used in the development of business plans for production and economic activity of enterprises.
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