Rational economic behavior of households is an important condition for ensuring stable economic development of the country. These economic entities play an important role in the development of a significant number of spheres and branches of the national economy, forming appropriate models of their own behavior. Historical experience of the developed countries shows that households can form irrational models of their own economic behavior, which can lead to deep crisis situations in the functioning of the entire system of the national economy. However, despite the available significant number of scientific papers that analyze the issues of the economic behavior of households, their content, specific features of formation and changes in various conditions of the national economy functioning, there is a need to deepen knowledge about the change in this behavior, which is caused by rather radical transformations of the external environment in which the households operate, a gradual change in the interaction between them. In the article, theoretical provisions of formation and transformation of the economic behavior of households are considered. This is implemented through specifying the essence of such categories as “behavior” and “economic behavior”. The detailed consideration of the behavior as an interdisciplinary concept allowed us to find out the features of formation of the household behavior in social systems. Knowledge of the economic behavior essence is implemented through the study of approaches to the interpretation of this definition already available in the scientific literature. In the article, a considerable attention is paid to clarifying the features of formation of the economic behavior in economic systems. At the same time, the essence of the economic behavior of households is considered in more detail, which is also implemented based on the analysis of existing concepts regarding its interpretation. As a result, the economic behavior of households is proposed to be considered as a set of actions that these business entities carry out in the economic activity, namely, production, distribution, consumption and exchange, achieving the set economic goals and satisfying their own economic needs. The features of formation and transformation of the economic behavior of households are also highlighted.
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