The purpose of the article is to study the goals, priorities and destinations of the European Innovation Council "EIC Accelerator" program, its grant opportunities, as well as the analysis of the features of the involvement of its financial instruments for Ukrainian innovation business. Materials and methods. While researching this topic, we referred to regulatory and legal acts, competitive documentation of the Horizon Europe Program and EIC Accelerator, as well as to the publications of scientists. Methods that were applied during the research: description, analysis, generalization, induction, deduction, explanation, classification, as well as systemic and functional, etc. Research results: Ukrainian startups and representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises, having successfully used the grant opportunities of the program, will receive, in addition to grant resources, the benefit of individual coaching, mentoring, training and access to the innovation ecosystem and analogues. A simplified application process makes it easier for applicants to participate in the EIC Accelerator program. A distinctive feature of the program is the application process by startups and representatives of SMEs, which consists of 3 steps: development of short proposals that can be submitted at any time and will be evaluated remotely by EIC expert evaluators, development of a complete offer, interview with the EIC jury.The scientific novelty of the study consists in demonstrating the goals, priorities and destinations, grant opportunities of the EIC Accelerator program, as well as the consequences and effects of the implementation of projects supported by it for representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine. Practical significance. According to the results of the research, a number of restrictions were identified that can significantly restrain business representatives in the process of participating in the program's grant contests. It is noted that if these barriers are overcome, Ukrainian innovators will be able to use the benefits of the program to the maximum extent.
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