Currently, the health care system is perhaps the biggest burden after the military sphere. After all, in the conditions of war, in which our country is currently, hospitals are the main mechanism of rescue for both military and civilians, and in cities that are far from the line of fire, as well as for health care facilities located on the demarcation line, as well as in the occupied territories. Since the beginning of the war in 2014, the system has had several stages of improvement in its work, such as the reorganization of primary medical care facilities, the creation of the National Health Service of Ukraine, the introduction of declarations with family doctors, the introduction of a package of guaranteed medical care. Decentralization, which was established and implemented throughout the country, gave the health care system new opportunities to improve work in the field as a whole. The implementation of the medical procurement system and the organization of state programs in the medical field had a positive impact on the field. It should be recalled that until August 24, 2021, Ukraine, like the rest of the world, suffered from the global coronavirus pandemic. Of course, the health care system not only of our country, but of the whole world received the greatest pressure at this time. During this time, we had changes in the number of working doctors in health care institutions. In the article, we will consider and conduct research on the number of doctors working in the field of health care for 2020-2022. The future and development of the national health care system also directly depends on the use of professional skills and abilities, the desire for self-improvement and the desire for success in professional activities, which is the main task of the modern personnel management system of health care institutions. Effective management of medical personnel helps to improve the quality of medical care for the population. The main goal of the study is to improve and increase the quantity and quality of medical care in health care facilities by increasing the number of medical personnel by hospital management. There are many unsolved issues in the field of healthcare management. We will consider one of them in the article and find a solution to the issue of increasing the staff in hospitals.
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