Purpose. The aim of the article is investigation of the motivational factors influencing the professional development of employees in the context of ensuring their competitiveness, defining the main directions of stimulation of professional mobility in conditions of innovative changes. Methodology of research. The following methods of scientific research are used to achieve this goal: dialectical – to analyse the motivational factors of influence on the professional development of employees; analytical and monographic – in the development of literary, statistical and Internet sources; causal – to reflect the interconnection of opportunities for ensuring professional development of workers and motivation of participants in this process to increase professional mobility; graphic – for the visual display of the processed statistics; abstract and logical – for the generalization of the above material and the formulation of conclusions. Findings. Indicative indicators of competitiveness of countries (taking into account the influence of educational qualification factors on the level of labour force competitiveness) are analysed and the priority of the realization of possibilities of continuous education for improving the quality of human potential of the country is substantiated. It is proved that in the conditions of innovative changes, the non-price competitive advantages of the labour force acquired by the provision of its higher quality are of paramount importance. It is established that the limited possibilities of ensuring the professional development of employees on the basis of continuous education inhibit the process of increasing their professional mobility. It is found that the most important reasons for the restriction of professional development of the employed population in Ukraine remain the weakness of the motivation of both employers and employees to organize and participate in the training. It has been established that large enterprises, corporations, and holding companies respond to increasing shortages of skilled workers by establishing interaction with educational institutions, organizing training of employees using their own production facilities, training centres. It is substantiated that readiness to update knowledge, increase the professional qualification level, to participate in innovation activity depends, first of all, on motivational personality orientations. It is proved that increasing the motivation of employees to develop their professional potential depends on the relationship between their level of qualifications and the level of income from employment. The directions of increasing the professional mobility of employees, the implementation of which involves the involvement of employers in the development of educational programs, educational and professional standards, as well as encouraging employees to increase their own competitiveness, are proposed. Originality. A further analysis of the motivational factors influencing the professional development of employees has taken place, which, unlike similar studies, has taken place taking into account possibilities to increase their competitiveness and increase professional mobility. Practical value. The results of the research can be used in the preparation of scientific papers, taking into account the results of a well-balanced and thorough study of the motivation problems of professional development of employees.
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