• A.V. Lytvyniuk Odesa National University of Economics
Keywords: bank, assets, liabilities, effectiveness, management, factors, result, evaluation, analysis, model


Purpose - to the justification of the conceptual approaches to the assessment of the main factors affecting the management of assets and liabilities of the banking institutions using multivariable linear regression model. Methodology of research. During the study applied multivariate linear regression analysis of the impact of major factors on the management of assets and liabilities of Ukrainian banks - net interest margin - by which built the economic-mathematical model. Findings. The basic factors influence the outcome of asset and liability management of banks Ukraine. A quantitative assessment of the impact of these factors on the net percent margin of banks with different amounts of factor values and for different time periods. In particular, it was found that in 2009 the most important financial factors that have an impact on the net margin percentage are: interbank loans, the rate of activity to attract individuals and legal entities, growing customer base, liquidity and capital participation in the fixed assets of the bank. In 2014, the most significant factors are the factors: interbank loans, depending on the inter-bank lending, the ratio of demand to the client base, participation in capital funding, credit activity, currency and credit risks. This is due to the fact that in today's unstable banks seek to ensure adequate liquidity, solvency, financial stability and profitability by attracting additional free cash flow, increasing the share of equity, expanding the range of banking services at an increased level of financial risk. Originality consists in certain theoretical principles, rationale and development of conceptual approaches to the assessment of the main factors affecting the management of assets and liabilities of banks. Practical value. Application in banking practice mathematical models to view existing methods of economic analysis, use much more information to deepen quantitative economic analysis, a more rational and efficient financial management policies of the bank.


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How to Cite
Lytvyniuk , A. (2015). RATIONALIZATION OF CONCEPTUAL GOING IS NEAR ESTIMATION OF BASIC FACTORS WHICH INFLUENCE ON RESULT OF MANAGEMENT OF ASSETS AND PASSIVE VOICES OF BANKS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(27), 311-317. Retrieved from https://economdevelopment.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/561