• Dmytro Krysanov Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
Keywords: innovation and technological modernization, production and partial potential of the enterprise, strategic management of potential modernization, food complex, domestic market of the EU countries


Purpose. The aim of the article is the development and practical implementation of models of innovation and technological upgrading of production facilities in order to release food complex enterprises to foreign markets. Methodology of research. The following methods are used in writing the article, such as: economic and statistical analysis – to identify the dynamics of exports of agricultural products and the situation of the enterprise integration to the EU internal market; comparative analysis – when assessing the suitability of fixed assets for work; analytical method – when substantiating strategies for modernizing their production potential; theoretical generalization – in development potential partial matrix modelling and management modernization process to achieve this goal. Findings. The situation with the integration of the enterprises of the food complex into the domestic market of the EU countries has been analyzed; the expediency of expanding the range of exporters of agricultural products to the foreign markets has been substantiated. The typology of enterprises according to the indicator of the suitability of the basic means for work is developed and on the basis of it a hierarchy of strategic and tactical goals is formed, the key objective of which is the issue of food products that conforms to the European normative parameters and will be implemented without barriers in the food markets of the EU and other countries of the world. The hierarchy of models of innovation and technological modernization of the production potential of enterprises, as well as strategies for managing modernization processes based on attracting interested investors and using the necessary resources, has been formed. The matrix of combinations of attraction of partial potentials according to the strategy of management of processes and modernization models with the purpose of achieving selected strategic and current tactical goals is substantiated. Originality. A hierarchy of models of innovation and technological modernization of production potential and its coordination with strategic management scenarios for modernization processes has been developed. Practical value. The developed and substantiated matrix of attraction of partial potentials in the implementation of modernization strategies can be used by enterprises of the food complex, which aimed at integrating into the EU internal market.


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