• Ivan Svynous Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
  • Natalya Khomiak Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University;
  • Olesia Havryk Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
Keywords: competitiveness, competition, competitive advantages, category, market


Purpose. The aim of the article is the development of theoretical positions on the interpretation of the content “competition” and “competitiveness” as social and economic categories. Methodology of research. Modern general scientific and special methods of economic research are used, in particular: a systematic approach – in studying the connections between phenomena and processes in the system of ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises; dialectical, abstract and logical – when carrying out theoretical generalizations and forming conclusions. Findings. The essence and economic content of the categories “competition” and “competitiveness” are revealed. It is found that competitiveness as a category: multidimensional and ambiguous; relative (tied to a specific market); decreases over time if it is not improved; is closely linked to product quality and market needs; the competitiveness of the product and the competitiveness of products are related as a part and whole; is the result of the implementation of competitive advantages; reflects the enterprise's ability to adapt to changing conditions of the external and internal environment; acts as one of the main factors of effective operation of the enterprise. The components of organizational and economic support of competitive development of enterprises are substantiated. Originality. It is proposed, in contrast to the existing statement, that the competitiveness of an enterprise is the real and potential ability of an enterprise to adapt to external conditions on the basis of the existing competitive advantages, to realize its ability to produce quality and safe products, to meet the needs of consumers for a long period of time with a benefit for themselves, with thereby preserving and strengthening its position in the agrarian market (or its segment) in comparison with potential competitors, and also to promote preservation the fertility of land and the environment and the creation of appropriate social conditions for the inhabitants. Practical value. The practical use of the proposed methodological approach in understanding the concept allows us to assess the level of competitiveness of an enterprise compared with other enterprises that are market participants; determine the rating of the investigated enterprise among competing enterprises; to predict the efficiency of an enterprise depending on the management of a specific functional area of its activity and to substantiate development strategies.


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How to Cite
Svynous, I., Khomiak, N., & Havryk, O. (2019). METHODICAL APPROACHES TO THE INTERPRETATION OF THE CONTENT OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CATEGORIES “COMPETITION” AND “COMPETITIVENESS”. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1 (42), 15-21. Retrieved from