Purpose. Theoretical and methodological reasoning of conceptual principles of neoindustrialization processes in Ukraine and determining of demand to create and to implement innovations, to transform enterprises and to develop an economy on the base of neoindustrialization. Methodology of research. Dialectical method of scientific cognition, systematic and logic approaches to determine shifts in economy of a state are used to resolve issues of research. Such general scientific methods as comparative in the process of defining of targets and indicators of neoindustrialization, abstractive and logical to configure conclusions and propositions, are used in the process of research. Findings. There is determined that the industrialization provides an achieving of higher development level of productive forces, stimulates processes of increasing of efficiency of manufacture, and of cooperation, and of improving of existing technical and technological base. There is also proved the demand to reorient the economy of Ukraine to innovative development of all industries, to support priority sectors; to facilitate to transparent and honest business; to form a mechanism of providing and commercialization of innovations; to reform a system of education on all level according to demands of employers and to world’s trends; to improve an institutional structure of providing of state progress by the working out of economic and technological means, which permit to increase the level of the state competitiveness. It has proven that the new-industrial society is an economy of knowledge thus economy in which knowledge play dominant role in the development. We propose to review the neoindustrialization on mezzo, macro and micro levels to take in account practical regional, sectorial and world experience of using of new industrial progress of economy, in that the science generates maximal macroeconomic effects in the field of global competitiveness, goods’ quality and systematic transforming of the educational sphere. The conceptual principles are configured by the determining of priority strategic issues to create the base of the following modernization of the state. Originality. The conceptual principles of neoindustrialization by the creating the base of implementing new-industrial order in the way of configure, firs of all, institutional and organizational elements, and informational support, and communications, and after that – resourceful and innovational, and technical and technological elements, are improved. The conceptual principles of neoindustrialization by the creating the base of implementing new-industrial order in the way of change-over of priority industries and sectors to the processes of reindustrialization and the following implementation of the socially agreed scenarios of the full-scale new-industrial progress of Ukrainian economy are improved too. We consider, that the neoindustrialization has to provide the arising of intensity of development and implementing of innovative processes, has to increase the tempo of extension of innovations as a key factors of arising of competitiveness, and has to provide the transition to economy of knowledge and to development of intellectual capital of society. Practical value. The results of research on working-out of the strategy on the following activity with taking in account the processes of neoindustrialization in the world would be used by bodies of management, and by enterprises. Separate issues would be used in educational processes and in the scientific researches of tutors, post-graduate students and students.
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