Purpose. The aim of the article is to establish the essence and determine the preconditions for the development of short supply chains in Ukraine. Methodology of research. The theoretical basis of the research is the fundamental provisions of the formation of the food supply system; modern economic theory, which defines the goals and patterns of sustainable development of the world and Ukraine; scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on issues of food security, public administration and legislative regulation of this problem. The methodological basis of the research consists of general scientific and specific methods of scientific knowledge. In the process of research, the following methods of economic research are used: abstract and logical (the formation of theoretical generalizations and conclusions); monographic (study of scientific works on the problems of formation of short supply chains); terminological analysis and operationalization of concepts (study of conceptual approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “short supply chains”, definition of defining characteristics of short supply chains and their corresponding rice); direct analysis and synthesis (systematization of legislative initiatives of EU member states on the problem under investigation). Findings. A critical analysis of the approaches of scientists to the definition of the concept of “short supply chain” is carried out. It is established that geographical proximity is defined as physically close and measured as the distance between producers and consumers; social closeness means the absence of intermediaries or their small number, the trust between producer and consumer, who know each other and the product, solidarity between producers and consumers, involvement in the local food system, connection with local food traditions; economic closeness means that money circulates within a community or a certain locality. Originality. Further development of the study of the basic criteria necessary for the determination of short supply chains has been further developed: geographic (physically close and measured as the distance between producers and consumers), social (the lack of intermediaries or their small number, the trust relationship between the producer and the consumer who know each other and the product, solidarity between producers and consumers, involvement in the local food system, the connection with local food traditions) and economic (money circulates within community or a certain locality) closeness. The preconditions for the development of short supply chains in Ukraine have been substantiated for the first time in the context of the peculiarities of the development of rural areas, the needs of consumers, producers and the community. Practical value. The development of various forms and types of short supply chains allows us to solve the problem of improving nutrition at the local level and gain additional positive influence on the formation of a model of sustainable development of rural areas. The main provisions and conclusions formulated in the work can be used in the preparation of textbooks, manuals, methodological materials, the development of lectures and practical classes on the formation of short supply chains, which is an integral part of the regional administration and local government.
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