Purpose. The aim of the article is the analysis of economic efficiency of agricultural land use by government institutions in Ukraine. Methodology of research. Scientific methods of knowledge based on a systematic approach to solving problems are used as a methodological basis in this work. A number of general and special scientific research methods are used to achieve this goal: dialectical; monographic (when working out scientific publications); the system analysis (in the study of various indicators of land use efficiency); the method of analogies and comparisons (when comparing the indicators proposed by different scholars); complex analysis (in drawing up conclusions and proposals for the solution of the tasks); statistical (in the processing of statistical data), etc. Findings. It is proved that the transfer of land for use on a non-competitive basis becomes a reason for not receiving large amounts of tax revenues from rural communities. A mathematical and statistical analysis of the relationship between the size of the rent for land plots, which are in the state and private ownership, is carried out.The Pearson correlation coefficient in this case is 0.19, which indicates a very weak linear correlation relationship on the Chaddock scale. It is proposed to decentralize power and transfer the authority to dispose of agricultural land of state ownership outside the settlements to local communities in order to adhere to the principle of the general nature of local self-government. Originality. Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of using agricultural lands is improved. Pearson correlation coefficient and Chaddock scale are used in this method in contrast to the existing. The results indicate that the size of the rent on the regulated market of lease of state agricultural land does not actually correspond to the usefulness of similar lands that are privately owned. Practical value. The obtained conclusions can be used in the future for the purpose of effective and rational management of land resources by increasing the value of the amount of lease of state-owned land.
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