• Viktoriia Opalko Bohdan Khmelnitsky Cherkasy National University
Keywords: social and economic inequality, inequality, institutional support, institute, institutional mechanism, balanced development


Purpose. The aim of the article is determination of the essence, components and mechanisms for improving institutional support for reducing the social and economic inequality in the current conditions of development. Methodology of research. The theoretical and practical basis of the research has formed scientific developments of researches of international organizations and leading Ukrainian and foreign authors on the problems of institutional support for reducing inequality. The following research methods are used in the process of solving the tasks: systematization and critical analysis (in determining the dialectical and methodological foundations of the institutional provision of inequality); comparative analysis and comparison (by comparing the practice of applying different institutional mechanisms for reducing inequalities in different countries and institutions); generalization and formalization (in the development of institutional mechanisms for reducing social and economic inequality in the current conditions of development). Findings. The institutional foundations of social and economic inequality are determined. The mechanisms of institutional provision of inequality are formed in three main institutes: political, social and economic. A system of mechanisms has been developed that influence the institutional provision of reducing inequalities, which are formed according to institutional directions. It is summarized that institutes, subject to the observance of certain rules, principles, norms, mechanisms and constraints, can reduce inequality and adapt effectively to internal and external factors of modern development. Originality. The author's interpretation of the definition of the institutional provision of the reduction of social and economic inequality, which should mean a set of certain institutions and mechanisms, in relation to the formation or improvement of the organizational structures of balanced development, should be understood. Practical value. The obtained results of the research are aimed at reducing social and economic inequality in modern conditions of development, in particular the developed institutional support structure can reduce inequality in the country by using effective institutional mechanisms that should be the basis of the Concept of balanced development. The obtained results may be aimed at optimizing the management of the balanced development of the national institutional system. Mechanisms of political, social and economic institutions in modern conditions of development can be proposed for analytical support to the development and implementation of the institutional structure policy in order to reduce inequality.


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