Purpose. The aim of the article is to develop practical recommendations for increasing the stability of agricultural milk-producing enterprises. Methodology of research. General scientific and special methods of economic research are used in the course of the research work, in particular: a systematic approach – when studying the connections between phenomena and processes in the system of ensuring economic stability of enterprises; statistical analysis – in determining the dynamics, structure and effectiveness of the development of agricultural milk production enterprises. Findings. It is established that indicators of sustainable development of dairy cattle breeding enterprises are: increase of production volumes; adequate level of resource supply by own production feeds and formation of seasonal storage stocks, as well as for functioning in predictable or crisis periods; reliability is the coherence of structural elements and the organization of actions aimed at duplicate mechanisms that provide a safety margin. It is proved that the above- mentioned indicators characterize the directions of transformation of the structure and functions of agricultural enterprises in response to the challenges of the social and economic environment in order to ensure its self-preservation and self- reproduction. It is determined that the driving force of sustainable development of dairy farming of agricultural enterprises should be considered: improving the functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism; provision of innovative character of the development of milk production; strengthening the material and technical base of dairy cattle farms of the corporate sector of the agrarian economy; improving the quality of the industry by skilled personnel. The above factors form the sphere of influence, which is based on the purposeful activity of business entities in the field of agribusiness in order to ensure the sustainable development of milk production. Originality. The concept of sustainable development of enterprises of dairy cattle breeding is developed, which is a set of views on the principles of sustainable development, which enables managers, on the basis of analysis of the factors of the external and internal environment and taking into account the laws of management, to decide on the choice of methods for its development and to monitor the effectiveness of their use with the help of the system indicators. Practical value. Taking into account the factors of sustainable development of dairy farming by agricultural enterprises will enable to operate more effectively and provide stability in the economic (in terms of financial, organizational, market, information, innovative components), social and environmental components.
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