Keywords: taxes, tax system, tax legislation, tax planning, tax forecasting, tax regulation, enterprise


Enterprises operate under the constant influence of market environment factors, which affects their financial performance. One of the factors affecting the profitability of enterprises is the variability of tax legislation, the level of tax burden, and the country's tax system. All of this requires companies to search for and identify ways to optimize the tax burden and, accordingly, there is a need for tax planning and forecasting. In particular, high-quality tax planning will help to reduce the tax burden on the company's operations, taking into account the requirements of the current legislation. At the same time, it is important to perform tax forecasting, which will allow to forecast taxes and help identify ways to optimize them. The article analyzes the existing approaches to the definition of the concepts of «tax planning» and «tax forecasting», which allowed to establish the importance of their implementation at enterprises. The article identifies the peculiarities of tax planning at an enterprise and highlights the purpose of tax planning, tasks, principles, and stages. Compliance with these stages will allow to establish the process of tax planning at an enterprise. The dynamics of tax revenues to the state and consolidated budgets is studied. A forecast of tax revenues for certain types of taxes for 2024-2026 is made. The advantages and disadvantages for enterprises in the framework of tax planning and forecasting are identified. Proposals and directions for improving tax planning and forecasting at an enterprise are formulated: use of software for automation of tax planning and forecasting; consideration of changes in tax legislation; involvement of qualified specialists in the field of tax planning and forecasting; optimization of the taxation system; research and consideration of the experience of international companies; use of digital technologies in tax forecasting; development of ways to reduce the tax burden based on forecast indicators; development of a tax planning and forecasting system adapted to the work of enterprises.


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