Keywords: state regulation, real estate market, functionality, principles of regulation, innovative development, optimization


The real estate market in Ukraine today is positioned as a dynamic and complex sector of socio-economic development, which is affected by instability, crisis phenomena and macroeconomic influences. A significant role in this sector is assigned to state regulation. The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state and specifics of the system of state regulation of the real estate market in Ukraine. The study systematized the elements of the system of state regulation in the field under study. The functionality of state formations has been identified, which is reduced, in general, to the provision of a legislative basis, the formation of conceptual foundations of market development, the concentration of resources, the establishment of unified requirements for real estate market participants, control over market safety and financial stability, as well as information provision and preventive protection against potential risks The relevance of the step-by-step and complex development of the mechanisms of state regulation of the real estate market, complementary to the purposeful state policy, is substantiated. The main principles of state regulation of the real estate market are analyzed, including the effective implementation of state rules and regulations through legislative tools; phasing and sequence of the process of forming the real estate management system; minimization of budget costs for this purpose; informational and organizational synergy of the management system; an individualized approach to each real estate object in the implementation of real estate management activities. The main areas of improvement of the system of state regulation of the real estate market have been identified. It has been proven that using world experience, it is expedient to integrate the most optimal elements of the model of the organizational structure of the state regulation of the real estate market.


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How to Cite
Mukhin, O., & Yurchenko, O. (2024). STATE REGULATION OF THE REAL ESTATE MARKET IN UKRAINE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 513-517.