Keywords: customs authorities, customs control, law enforcement agencies, interaction, powers, fight against smuggling, prevention and countermeasures, customs offenses


The article is devoted to the issues of highlighting the peculiarities of the organization of interaction between customs and law enforcement agencies in the process of customs control. It is emphasized that one of the main tasks assigned to customs authorities is, among other things, prevention and counteraction to smuggling, combating violations of customs rules. The active development and expansion of transnational criminal organizations continue to pose a threat to global commercial and financial systems as they continually capitalize on economic globalization and integration, as well as technological advances such as electronic commerce, electronic currency transactions, and others operations. Therefore, the main goal of cooperation between customs and law enforcement agencies is born - this is the reduction of threats to both national and global security with direct consequences for public health, safety and economic stability. Improved collaboration will lead to greater efficiency and effectiveness at the operational level. Through joint planning, customs and police authorities can ensure a coordinated response to emergency situations and thus better protect the country from criminal threats. This aspect of customs and police cooperation has become more important than ever due to the threat of proliferation of the large number of terrorist attacks occurring around the world in recent years. It is emphasized that the model of the integrated infocommunication management system of customs and border control between the subjects of national security should include telecommunication and information-telecommunication systems of other public authorities on the organization and implementation of border, customs and other control. Such a system should be based on modern means of database management and ensure the formation, processing, accumulation and preparation of information for transmission in agreed formats.


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How to Cite
Slobodian, V., & Khoma, V. (2024). EXPERIENCE OF INTERACTION OF CUSTOMS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA IN MATTERS OF PREVENTING AND COMBATING SMUGGLING. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 481-486. https://doi.org/10.32782/2308-1988/2024-50-72