The article substantiates the place of the agricultural sector in ensuring sustainable development through the prism of bioeconomy and the organizational-economic foundations of bioeconomy development in the industry. It is substantiated that the transition to the economy as one of the directions of implementing the principles of circularity demonstrates the most significant compliance with the socio-economic-ecological approach in the agricultural sector. The agrarian sphere of the economy is the core of the economy, in view of which it concentrates significant potential for providing impetus for creating a synergistic effect of the development of economic, social, and environmental components on the scale of the national economy. The key directions for implementing the concepts of bioeconomy in the agricultural sector are outlined, including bioresources and their practical use, biomass processing, recycling, digital technologies, biotechnology, and environmental sustainability. Implementing these areas requires cooperation between science, business, and the public to create innovative and sustainable solutions in agriculture. The main priorities of the mechanism of state support for the development of biotechnologies according to world experience are highlighted: supporting the demand for biotechnological products; increasing the competitiveness of products created with the help of biotechnology, both in domestic and international markets; improving the quality of education in the field of training specialists in the field of biotechnology; strengthening the scientific component of biotechnology development includes the following activities; progression and spread biological collections; development of information and analytical infrastructure in the field of biotechnology. It is determined that the diversification of agricultural enterprises in the bioeconomy is based on environmentally friendly management and technological innovations. The main goals are the production of high-tech products and clean energy through the efficient use of resources, the reduction of environmental risks, and the processing of biomass. Development prospects include markets for organic products, biomass, and alternative energy.
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