Keywords: analysis, change index, suburban transportation, passenger turnover, passenger departure, rolling stock, revenue rate, expense rate, profitability


In modern economic conditions, suburban railway communication is of high importance in the development of regions. This type of transportation is an effective and cheap form of transport that connects cities over a relatively short distance and ensures the mobility of labor resources. Suburban transport systems can provide large social benefits. For people, this type of transportation represents significant cost savings. In suburban traffic, "Ukrzaliznytsia" JSC annually transports more than 100 million passengers. The demand for this type of transportation in the conditions of railway transport in Ukraine currently remains at a high level. Suburban passenger transportation has its own seasonal, weekly, and daily fluctuations, and therefore requires special attention and responsibility from the relevant structural divisions of "Ukrzaliznytsia" JSC. In the structure of passenger transportation by railway transport in Ukraine, suburban transportation constitutes a significant part in terms of the number of passengers sent - 67.8% of the total volume, and in the structure of passenger turnover - 15.8%. The suburban railway complex today has many problems, including planned unprofitability and the reluctance of local budgets to cover losses, critical wear and tear of fixed assets, imperfect tariff policy and the problem of non-payment of fares. Damage from suburban passenger transportation over the past 2023 amounted to almost 7.6 billion hryvnia. The lack of a clear target model for the functioning of suburban railway traffic does not allow solving the problem of their reduction. The development of suburban rail transportation directly depends on the participation of the state in it and the attention to them from local authorities. Another problem of suburban passenger transportation is the significant physical and moral wear and tear of rolling stock. The wear and tear of suburban rolling stock is reaching a critical limit. Currently, electric trains are worn out by 86.7%, diesel trains by 97.1%, and rail buses by more than 18%. On some routes, trains built in 1958 are used. The age of these electric trains has already exceeded 60 years and they continue to transport passengers. In the coming years, it is necessary to invest several tens of billions of hryvnia in updating suburban passenger rolling stock. It is clear that without government support there will continue to be further decline in the commuter rail sector. One of the ways to increase the efficiency of suburban passenger transportation should be the creation of a branch of "Ukrzaliznytsia" JSC "Suburban Passenger Company”. To predict trends that a company will face, it is necessary to conduct a retrospective analysis of the key indicators of commuter passenger transportation under the previous organizational management structure. The article presents the results of a retrospective analysis of the indicators of suburban passenger traffic of the Regional Branch "Southern Railway" of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia".


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