Keywords: partnerships, models, transactional cost theory, social theory of exchange


In the context of the modern globalized economy, companies are increasingly striving to establish long-term partnerships to enhance their competitiveness, optimize costs, and ensure supply chain stability. However, the creation and maintenance of such relationships come with a number of challenges, including the need for effective management of transaction costs, overcoming uncertainty and the risks of opportunistic behavior, as well as ensuring mutual trust and loyalty between partners. Successfully addressing these issues requires a deep understanding of the mechanisms that determine the success or failure of partnership relations between enterprises. The purpose of this article is to analyze existing models of partnership relations between enterprises, compare them, and identify the key factors that affect the stability and effectiveness of such relationships. This will not only deepen the theoretical understanding of partnership mechanisms but also offer practical recommendations for companies seeking to build reliable and long-lasting business relationships. The article examines models of partnership relations between enterprises in the context of the modern globalized economy, where the establishment of long-term partnerships is an important factor in enhancing competitiveness, optimizing costs, and ensuring supply stability. The author focuses on the challenges faced by companies in forming and maintaining such relationships, particularly in managing transaction costs, overcoming uncertainty, minimizing the risks of opportunism, and ensuring mutual trust and engagement between partners. The analysis of existing studies points to the insufficient integration of various theoretical approaches, such as transaction cost theory, industrial network theory, and social exchange theory, which limits the ability to conduct a comprehensive analysis and predict the success of partnership relations. The article thoroughly explores the models of J.B. Heide and G. John, E. Anderson and B. Weitz, as well as social exchange models, which allow for the assessment of the impact of specific investments, commitments, and social factors on the stability and longevity of relationships. The research findings emphasize the importance of combining different approaches to ensure the effectiveness of partnerships, allowing for a better understanding of the mechanisms of interaction between enterprises and enabling informed decision-making in managing partnership relations.


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How to Cite
Blahun, I., & Kukurudz, R. (2024). ANALYSIS OF PARTNERSHIP RELATIONS MODELS BETWEEN ENTERPRISES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 445-451.