The article explores modern approaches to ensuring the resilience of enterprises in the context of changing external conditions. The authors consider turbulence as a key factor influencing companies' development strategies, emphasizing the importance of adaptive management models. Particular attention is paid to the integration of environmental, social, and managerial aspects into business strategies aimed at achieving long-term sustainability. The article highlights the significance of risk and opportunity analysis in building effective mechanisms to respond to external challenges. The authors propose various strategic management models, including scenario planning, flexible strategies, and risk management frameworks adapted to dynamic market conditions. One of the essential aspects is the active use of innovations and technologies to enhance competitiveness and ensure sustainable development. The article also addresses issues related to resource conservation and responsible use of natural resources as a crucial factor in sustainable development strategies. It is shown that in a turbulent environment, enterprises must continuously update their business models, adopting new management approaches that allow them to use available resources efficiently. The study emphasizes the importance of strategic thinking, innovative problem-solving approaches, and the need to integrate sustainable development into all levels of the management process. Furthermore, the article highlights the role of corporate responsibility and ethical business practices as essential components of sustainable development in an unpredictable environment. Companies are encouraged to adopt long-term perspectives and balance profit-making with the creation of positive social and environmental impacts. The authors argue that sustainability should not only be a business goal but also a fundamental principle that guides decision-making at all levels. Overall, the article presents new tools and frameworks for enterprises seeking to maintain resilience in the face of constant change and uncertainty, with a focus on creating long-term value and promoting responsible business practices. The integration of sustainability into strategic management is portrayed as a critical path forward for organizations that wish to remain competitive and contribute to a more sustainable future.
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