Keywords: national economy, changes, innovations, information, innovative and informational changes, classification, type, typology


The article is devoted to the formation of a methodical approach to the typology of innovative and informational changes in the national economy. It has been proven that innovative and informational changes, forming impulses for qualitative internal transformations in the national economy, are becoming more and more important at the current stage of its functioning. Modern scientific research in the field of typology is analyzed. It has been established that typology is considered and actively used in scientific research as a means of knowledge. The necessity of developing a methodical approach to the typology of innovative and informational changes as a specific object of research, which would take into account the specifics of this object and allow to determine the types of innovative and informational changes, based on the existing research of scientists in the field of their classification, is proven. A methodical approach to the typology of innovative and informational changes in the national economy has been developed. It has been proven that the main purpose of typology of innovative and informational changes in the national economy is the formation of an understanding of the existing situation in order to determine the guidelines for further actions in the field of ensuring innovative and informational changes. The proposed methodical approach involves the use of trend and variation analysis methods that meet the specified criteria for the typology of innovative and informational changes. The principles of typology were supplemented and the typological features of the typology of innovative and informational changes were selected. The developed approach is based on compliance with an extended list of principles of typology and makes it possible to identify, using trend and variation analysis, the types of changes in accordance with the typology criteria. Determining the types of innovative and informational changes will allow in the future, taking into account the quality and gradualness of innovative and informational changes, to establish to which type of orientation to innovative and informational changes the national economy of Ukraine belongs and to develop appropriate solutions in the field of their strategic support.


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How to Cite
Sydorov, O. (2024). A METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH TO THE TYPOLOGY OF INNOVATIVE AND INFORMATIONAL CHANGES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 421-426. https://doi.org/10.32782/2308-1988/2024-50-63