• Bohdan Melnyk Polissia National University
Keywords: logistics of the medical field, integrated logistics approach, legal framework, innovations, logistics providers


The article is devoted to the study of foreign experience in the field of logistics management in the medical field. The expediency of using the principles of logistics in the health care management system in the conditions of modern challenges has been updated, which makes it possible to optimize logistical and pharmaceutical support in the medical field. The advantages of logistics in the medical field due to the optimization of the routes of transportation of medicines and services, reduction of information processing time, use of industry software, improvement of the plan for timely delivery of medicines of appropriate quality, reduction of warehouse space with improvement of quality criteria for the provision of medical services and reduction of their cost have been determined. The directions of the national and international legislative framework in the medical and logistics sphere have been formalized. The development of globally integrated business creates prerequisites for the growth of logistics providers (intermediaries), which provide complex logistics services and support manufacturing enterprises in order to reduce costs. The key sectors in medical logistics are medical services, personnel of medical institutions, biomedical engineering (biomaterials, biomechanics, medical electronics and monitoring), clinical engineering (medical technologies, laboratory and analytical equipment), pharmacy (medicines and drugs). The construction of the management system logistic model for medical institution will make it possible to solve the tasks of effective organization of patient flows, timely elimination of problem areas and traffic participants, placement of equipment, movement and distribution of material resources, creation of appropriate infrastructure on routes, etc. The use of specialized software allows to synchronize the CRM systems of logistics and medical companies, which automates the process of placing products, updating offers, makes it possible to instantly communicate and conclude transactions between participants, settles the issue of financial debts, track the location of cars, allows to generate reports in real time.


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How to Cite
Melnyk, B. (2024). FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF INTRODUCING LOGISTICS CONCEPTS IN THE MEDICAL FIELD. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 414-420.