Keywords: agricultural sector of the economy, sustainable development of the agricultural sector, economic disparities, agroholding, agriculture, agricultural cooperative


The article examines the analysis of economic disparities in Ukraine's agricultural sector, which is essential for identifying key problems and finding ways to overcome them to ensure the sustainable development of the national economy and enhance the competitiveness of agricultural products in global markets. The relevance of the research and the existence of previously unexplored aspects of the topic determine the purpose of the study - to identify economic disparities in Ukraine's agricultural sector and substantiate measures aimed at minimizing them. Economic disparities affect the productivity of agricultural enterprises, the income levels of the rural population, as well as the possibilities for attracting investments and implementing sustainable business models. The study presents two main forms of disparities: organizational and sectoral, which arise from the trend towards the consolidation of agricultural businesses, particularly through the concentration and centralization of agricultural capital. The research substantiates that agroholdings, which occupy a significant share of the country's land bank, provide positive effects, such as the financial rehabilitation of small agricultural enterprises and increased labor productivity. Examples of successful infrastructure projects by agroholdings are provided, including the company «NIBULON» which has implemented grain transshipment projects. It is found that, despite the advantages, there are also significant drawbacks in the activities of agroholdings that negatively affect the development of human capital in rural areas. The study reveals that large agribusiness predominantly focuses on export-oriented crops, contributing to the decline of domestic animal husbandry and horticulture. The research also emphasizes the importance of creating agricultural service cooperatives as an effective mechanism for enhancing the competitiveness of small producers and reducing economic disparities. Examples of successful dairy cooperatives worldwide confirm the feasibility of this approach. It is substantiated that balanced regulation considering the interests of both large agricultural enterprises and small and medium-sized producers is necessary to ensure the sustainable development of Ukraine's agricultural sector.


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How to Cite
Demchenko, O. (2024). THE RESEARCH OF ECONOMIC DISPARITIES IN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR OF UKRAINE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 400-405. Retrieved from