Keywords: banking system, lending, commercial bank, real sector of the economy, financing, bank credit


The article examines the peculiarities of the development of state support for lending by commercial banks in the real sector of the economy in the conditions of today's realities. It was determined what exactly the result was obtained by the domestic banking system as an element of the financial system of the state under the influence of crisis phenomena. It is outlined that the banking system of Ukraine is ready to finance enterprises affected by hostilities, agricultural and innovative enterprises, but only under the condition of partial sharing of risks with the state. The study determined that crediting is one of the key mechanisms that ensures sustainable economic development of the country, financial stability and strengthening of Ukraine's potential both during the period of military-political and economic instability and during post-war recovery. The rates and reasons for the growth of bank lending to Ukrainian enterprises in conditions of instability were assessed. It is shown that the State Program "Affordable Loans 5-7-9%" was directed to help key areas of the economy, the introduction of innovations and energy-saving technologies, the organization and stimulation of new jobs through the mechanism of issuing loans, at lower market credit rates. The reasons for the introduction of the state lending program for domestic enterprises "Affordable loans 5-7-9%" are analyzed. The volumes of financing that were carried out by Ukrainian banks during the period of validity of the program "Affordable loans 5-7-9%" were studied, the geographical distribution of enterprises financed under the program was determined. The branches of the national economy that were recipients of the "Affordable 5-7-9% Loans" program and the reasons why business in other areas did not have access to state funding were analyzed. The ways of the economic evolution of bank lending in the conditions of military aggression and economic crisis are determined. The range of problems that were not taken into account during the formation of the program "Affordable loans 5-7-9%" was studied. Proposals have been made that will make the "Affordable Loans 5-7-9%" program available to a greater number of borrowers from various fields of activity.


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How to Cite
Antonyuk, O. (2024). STATE SUPPORT FOR LENDING TO THE REAL SECTOR OF THE ECONOMY IN UKRAINE: TODAY’S REALITIES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 386-392.