• Svіtlana Filina Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Oleksiy Krutko Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Oleksandr Kuzhel Poltava University of Economics and Trade
Keywords: management, enterprise, process approach, business process, system


The article reveals the essence of the scientific approach to enterprise management in modern conditions. A detailed comparison of the key characteristics of process management was carried out in order to determine the optimal approach that will allow the enterprise to maintain a competitive position on the market, develop successfully in the current market environment, quickly respond to favorable factors of the external environment and at the same time protect itself from unfavorable factors. Based on the generalization of the existing approaches to the formation of the management system, it was found that the introduction of process management is connected with a feature that consists in a unique natural system that combines social and economic and financial activities, social orientation. It was determined that the implementation of process management largely depends on the efficiency of enterprises, which in modern conditions of the development of the national economy ensures the connection between production and consumption, satisfies the solvent demand of the population, completes the distribution process, strengthens the financial system and cash flow of enterprises. For this purpose, the justification of the application of the process approach for effective management of business processes at enterprises was carried out. The article examines the problem of enterprise process management as a set of interconnected and interacting elements and the modern understanding of the process approach with the expediency of expanding the scope of its application. The article provides justification for expanding the scope of its application and effective management of business processes at enterprises. Recommendations are given for the effective functioning of enterprises on the basis of process management, among which is a change in the way of thinking, in particular, awareness of the enterprise's activities in terms of business processes that are dominant for enterprises. The advantages of process management are determined, including its focus on the final results of effective activity within each business process and effective provision by the company of the process of meeting the needs of consumers.


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How to Cite
Filina, S., Krutko, O., & Kuzhel, O. (2024). THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE PROCESS APPROACH TO ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 382-385.