Keywords: risk, risk of industrial enterprises, risk management, industrial marketing, anti-crisis measures


The article is devoted to the study of the problem of risks industrial enterprises. The author provides a rich spectrum of scientific literary sources devoted to the study of economic risks in market conditions of business. A detailed theoretical study of this scientific capital allowed the author to understand the essence of economic categories: risk, risk of industrial enterprises, risk management. At the level of definitions, summarizing the conducted study of scientific sources, the author gives his individual concise author's interpretation of the category "risk of industrial enterprises". The essence of the author's statement lies in the following interpretation of this category: "The risk of an industrial enterprise is uncertainty, the potential probability of deviation from planned goals and expected results». The author sees the benefit of his creative search in providing the readership with a clear and understandable interpretation of the important economic category "risk of an industrial enterprise". According to the author, the majority of people work in the real marketing environment who do not want to burden themselves with purely large theoretical market abstractions. Intellectual developments that do not require additional consultations or explanations are relevant and in demand by the user. The author proved this approach in his work for an intellectual audience of marketers-practitioners by offering a concise definition of the category "risk of an industrial enterprise". The practical significance of the presented results of the author's study of the problem of risks in industrial enterprises is to announce the system of anti-crisis management measures developed by the author to eliminate the negative impact of risks to ensure the economic security of industrial marketing enterprises. The purpose of this article is to publish the results of the author's research on the definition of the "market of an industrial enterprise" and the formation of a system of anti-crisis management measures to eliminate the negative impact of risks to ensure the economic security of industrial marketing enterprises.


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How to Cite
Titov, V. (2024). ECONOMIC RISKS: CONCEPT, ESSENCE, APPROACHES TO THEIR MANAGEMENT IN INDUSTRIAL MARKETING. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 378-381.