Keywords: financial support, digital transformation, balanced scorecard, management, modeling


The article explores the topic of optimizing the financial support for the digital transformation of enterprises, which is a critical aspect of modern management in the context of rapid changes in the technological environment. The main purpose of the study is to develop and implement an effective financial management system that can support and optimize digital transformation processes through the use of balanced scorecards (BSC). Modern approaches to the formation and use of BSC in enterprises are studied, with an emphasis on the need to integrate the financial and strategic goals of the enterprise, which allows achieving optimal interaction between various elements of management processes. The article pays special attention to the issues of determining key performance indicators, their standardization, as well as the organization of data collection and analysis to ensure accurate monitoring of activities and evaluation of the enterprise’s performance at all stages of its operation. The study shows that the use of relative indicators allows enterprises to compare their performance more effectively, identify weaknesses and make sound financial decisions, especially in the context of rapid changes characteristic of digital transformation. The author proposes a model that allows enterprises not only to assess the current state of their activities, but also to dynamically adapt management strategies in accordance with changes in the market and technological environment. A systematic approach to optimizing financial support through BSC is an effective tool for increasing transparency, accountability and efficiency of management processes in an enterprise, which is especially important in a period of active digital transformation. The use of BSC allows enterprises to implement more adaptive management strategies, improve financial stability and increase competitiveness in the digital economy. The results of the study confirm that systematic optimization of financial support based on BSC creates a solid foundation for the long-term development of enterprises and ensures effective interaction between financial, operational and strategic goals in the context of digital transformation.


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How to Cite
Tyshchenko, D. (2024). OPTIMIZING FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION BASED ON BSC. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 371-377. https://doi.org/10.32782/2308-1988/2024-50-55