Keywords: farms, sources of capital investment financing, agriculture, support programs, material and technical support


In an article based on Abraham Maslow's need motivation theory, a pyramid of living needs of a farmer's family was developed, which determine the main strategic priorities farming in conditions of instability. The wages of agricultural workers were analyzed from which the main deductions for social events are deducted in accordance with the current legislation. In order to comply with the conditions of financial independence and sustainable development of farming it was established that the share of borrowed and otherwise attracted funds and sources of financing of his capital investments was 25-30%, but did not exceed 1/3 of their total volume. It was established that in 2023 the USAID AGRO program introduced a grant regarding the support of three providers of commodity financing for small and medium agricultural producers − ADAMA, Ukravit та Agro Arena. An estimate of the average annual share of own sources of financing was made capital investments of farms on average for 2018-2021, 2023, and 2024. The main sources of funding for sowing of the current year have been studied. It was established that the main source of financing sowing their own funds remain - 72.3%, bank financing - 19.2%, which includes the program "Affordable loans 5-7-9" and other bank loans, in third place is commodity lending − 8.5 percent. The dynamics of changes in the growth of fixed and working capital in the in agriculture of Ukraine for the period 2011−2022, as well as the structure of the financial result of small and micro enterprises, 2019−2023, were considered. It was found that statistical data on small enterprises reflect the trends of changes and the level of indicators of the economic activity of farms. Farm profits remain the main source of capital investment. In addition, support programs for farmers in 2024 were analyzed. It was established that in the current year, state support for farmers, particularly farms, was directed to subsidies on livestock, for partial compensation of the cost of domestically produced agricultural machinery, compensation of costs for humanitarian demining of land, compensation to family farms for the paid single social contribution, lending, as well as grants for horticulture, berry growing and viticulture.


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How to Cite
Nechytailo, V. (2024). ACTIVITIES OF UKRAINIAN FARMS ENTERPRISES IN THE CONDITIONS OF WAR. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 365-370.