Keywords: information and analytical support, management, system, process, financial and economic security, accounting, accounting and analytical support


The results of the conducted research consist in the scientific substantiation of the theoretical foundations of the formation of information and analytical support in the system of managing the financial and economic security of economic entities. The basis of the conducted research is the scientific works of domestic scientists. The research was conducted using the following scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, scientific abstraction, graphic method. An analysis of the content of the concepts "financial and economic security", "informational and analytical support", "accounting and analytical support" was carried out. Scientific discussions regarding the definition of the content of these economic categories are conditioned by their multifacetedness and the need for their new essential content. The features and components of the financial and economic security management mechanism of the business entity are disclosed. The role, essence, purpose, principles, functions, tools and components of the system of information and analytical support for the management of the financial and economic security of business entities are defined. It is proven that information and analytical support is formed and functions on the basis of the principles of emergency, complexity, continuity, efficiency, performs communicative, relevant, analytical and forecasting functions using accounting, analysis, forecasting, modeling and control tools. Harmonized functioning of subsystems of information and analytical support ensures a high level of efficiency of the entire system. Attention is focused on the importance of accounting and the expediency of using the term "accounting and analytical support". The requirements for the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of information and analytical support for the management of financial and economic security have been analyzed. Effective information and analytical support is a prerequisite for a flexible and adequate response to changes in the business entity's operating environment and strengthening its financial and economic security. The results of the study will make it possible to form an effective system of information and analytical support for managing the financial and economic security of economic entities.


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How to Cite
Kramarenko, K., & Vinnychenko, O. (2024). INFORMATION AND ANALYTICAL SUPPORT OF THE FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC SECURITY MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS ENTITIES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 344-349.