Keywords: strategy infrastructure, marketing communications, sales strategy, customer loyalty, holistic approach, business model


The article explores modern approaches to the formation of business models of enterprises based on the holistic approach. The holistic approach takes into account that the modern market is transforming under the influence of the concepts of green, digital and circular economies, which correlate in various aspects with the principles of sustainable development. This transformation is a response to a number of global changes and perspectives in the vision of the development of the quality of human life on our planet. The transformation itself reflects a paradigm shift in the understanding of economic and social development, where sustainability, energy efficiency, and innovation are becoming key factors for success. The market opportunities of the hybrid business model of an enterprise are investigated. It is established that in today's market one can simultaneously see vertical, network business models and hybrid models, in which some companies manage to realize the advantages of these two approaches in different proportions, thus implementing a holistic approach. From the point of view of studying the evolution of business models, hybrid models are the most interesting for research, as they combine the advantages of controlling the value chain in a product (increased control of production and reduced transaction costs relative to the contractual method of management) and methods of building horizontal networks, but not only with production participants and/or other stakeholders to form a loyal consumer, thus achieving “marketing power”. To study effective practical approaches in the sales activities of international and domestic enterprises. In the sales strategy, as an infrastructure of a hybrid business model, the author examines the practices of after-sales service for the formation of a loyal consumer, as well as digital marketing communications. It is determined that the optimal channels of marketing communications are the following: social networks, video marketing, search engines, messengers, influencer marketing, SMS marketing, email marketing, mobile applications, blogs and websites, webinars and online courses. An approach to assessing the impact of quality content on the effectiveness of a communication channel based on the content of results is developed and proposed. It is concluded that the holistic approach can provide a systematic vision of business tasks to be fulfilled by the enterprise strategy and the corresponding business model.


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How to Cite
Kolesnyk, M., Sozynova, I., & Vasilevsky, V. (2024). COMMUNICATION INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE SALES STRATEGY AS A HOLISTIC PROPERTY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN BUSINESS MODELS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 336-343.