Keywords: enterprise, technology, AI (artificial intelligence), venture capital investment, development, chatbot, business process, innovation, SEO promotion, advertising, commodity, deals


This article identifies the key capabilities of AI (artificial intelligence). The author examines the history of AI and characterizes the main capabilities of this technology for various industries. It is noted that today AI technologies create new opportunities for enterprises and provide them with broad powers in various industries, since each process in which AI is implemented optimizes costs, which ultimately has a positive impact on overall financial performance. The top AI companies in terms of capitalization in 2023 are identified. It is proved that today AI technologies have been successfully integrated into almost all sectors of the economy and continue to improve the key business processes of enterprises. It has been determined that the world's largest companies implementing AI technologies spend 15.5% of their revenue, which confirms the relevance and importance of the development of these technologies. The volume and share of AI companies' investments in technology development as of 2022 are analyzed. The Ukrainian AI market is analyzed by analyzing the dynamics of investments in venture capital companies and the dynamics of the number of AI specialists. It is determined that over the past few years, investments in AI development in Ukraine have been growing rapidly, especially during the war, when, despite the general economic downturn, investment flows into venture capital companies were higher than in 2021. The article analyzes the dynamics of the number of AI specialists in Ukraine in 2014-2023. The article analyzes Ukraine's share in the Eastern European AI market in 2023. It is found that over ten years, the number of AI specialists has grown 4.4 times, which confirms the overall development of the technology market in Ukraine. Having analyzed Ukraine's share in the Eastern European AI market, it was found that Ukraine ranks second with a share of 20% and the number of companies at 242. The author substantiates the rapid development of AI in Ukraine and characterizes the high level of knowledge of Ukrainian specialists. An analysis of the impact of SEO optimization on company profits is proposed. A mechanism has been developed that illustrates in detail the benefits that can be obtained from SEO promotion. It is proved that by integrating SEO-promotion into its activities, an enterprise will receive an increase in the number of customers and an increase in total revenue, which will fully cover the costs of this technology. Conclusions are drawn regarding the peculiarities of using artificial intelligence in the activities of enterprises.


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How to Cite
Dashko, I., & Mykhailichenko, L. (2024). PECULIARITIES OF USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE ACTIVITIES OF ENTERPRISES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 328-335.