Keywords: state-guaranteed debt, state budget, budget forecasts, debt repayment, state guarantees, fiscal risks


The article examines the influence of state-guaranteed debt on the forecast indicators of the state budget. The causes of the state-guaranteed debt are considered, and the problem of its increase during destructive events in the economy is emphasized. It is emphasized that business entities - residents of countries with a low credit rating are forced to use state guarantees in order to obtain credit funds. The essence of conditional state debt is described. The regulatory principles and conditions for providing state guarantees are considered. It was emphasized that the state-guaranteed debt carries significant fiscal risks for the state budget. The specific weight of state-guaranteed debt in the state's total debt obligations is analyzed. It was concluded that the state-guaranteed debt currently represents a much smaller share in the structure of the state's credit obligations due to a significant increase in the volume of state debt. The dynamics of state-guaranteed debt is studied. Its decrease in the last one and a half years is shown. It has been proven that the risks of non-payment by business entities of their debt obligations received under state guarantees due to a decrease in the solvency of borrowers have increased. The projected payments for the state's fulfillment of obligations under loans granted under state guarantees are illustrated. An assessment of the impact of possible payments under state guarantees on the budget indicators of future periods was carried out. The list of enterprises that should make the largest payments on loans raised under state guarantees in 2024 is given. Conclusions were made regarding the negative impact of the increase in the amount of state-guaranteed debt on the balance of budget indicators in the future. It is proposed to suspend the practice of providing state guarantees during martial law and to monitor the activities of business entities regarding the repayment of previously received loans under state guarantees. It was also emphasized the need to take into account the guarantee obligations of business entities that ended up in temporarily occupied territories or lost property when planning budget expenditures.


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How to Cite
Posadnieva, O., & Berezynska, M. (2024). INFLUENCE OF GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED DEBT ON THE FORECAST INDICATORS OF THE STATE BUDGET OF UKRAINE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 296-303.