Keywords: marketing, marketing research, marketing research methods, entrepreneurship, sales, trade, market analytics


The article considers and substantiates the importance of marketing research in strategic planning and in the implementation of market activities of enterprises. The study was conducted against the background of modern theoretical approaches in the field of marketing and research practices related to data collection and analysis. The authors examine the stages of marketing research, including task setting, planning, data collection, analysis and report preparation, as well as tools for implementing these stages in practice. In particular, the authors discuss methods of focus groups, field research, competitor analysis and other approaches to obtaining primary information about the market and consumers. Due to its comprehensive approach and practical orientation, the article is a useful source of information for marketing and management professionals, as well as for students conducting research in this discipline. The modern business environment is constantly changing, requiring businesses to constantly adapt and strategise. In this context, market research is becoming an integral part of successful market activities of enterprises. They allow collecting, analysing and interpreting information about the market, consumers and competitors, which provides a strategic advantage in a competitive environment. The authors analyse the history of research development, present their own approaches to the development of marketing research methods and show their transition from basic collection of demographic information to sophisticated methods of analysing consumer behaviour using digital technologies. The article is aimed at developing readers' understanding of the importance of marketing research for making informed strategic decisions, in particular in product development, pricing, advertising and distribution. The various approaches to defining the essence of marketing research include a wide range of methods, from desk-based to field-based research, as well as the latest information technologies, such as social media analytics and VR. Our final conclusion only emphasises the need for systematic marketing research to successfully compete in today's markets.


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How to Cite
Korniichuk, T., & Lutsii, I. (2024). METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING RESEARCH. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 290-295.